The advantages of working with our clients and support team
Our Supported Employment Program (S.E.P.) is designed to provide our clients with the opportunity to utilize and enhance their social skills and work abilities. Participants work alongside company employees and gain hands-on job experience, which facilitates their integration and enables them to be part of the general workforce.
We place each client at a business after evaluating his or her vocational interests and strengths and then matching him or her to the most appropriate job. Our client is further supported by vocational counselor and special care counsellors, who also work with company personnel so that they can provide our client with ‘natural’ support at the work place.
How to hire a Miriam Home and Services S.E.P. employee
Companies interested in working with us to offer employment within their workforce to people with intellectual disabilities should call our S.E.P. department to arrange a meeting. First, we will meet with the company representatives to discuss the job opportunities that are available and to match the position(s) with our Miriam Home employee(s). Next, we will visit the workplace to examine all aspects of the working environment, again in collaboration with company representatives.
Once the client has been matched with a position, the Miriam S.E.P. team meets with company representatives to discuss training programs and working conditions. We will provide on-site training and individual support to the client and company as long as needed, and will continue to provide on-going collaboration and support for as long as the employee is at the company. The employer is expected to help integrate the worker into the workplace under the same conditions as the other employees.
Your Company’s preparation
Employers are encouraged to allow us to visit the workplace before the worker begins, so that we can share information to help sensitize the company’s employees to the methods – as well as the challenges and the pleasures – of working with people who have intellectual disabilities.
Job site support
We provide both the worker and the employer with long-term assistance, visiting the job site as often as needed to support the new worker, resolve issues, and address other concerns.
All of our professional support services are free to the employer.
Government subsidies
For potential employers who are interested in the salary subsidies available through government programs, we will collaborate with employers by referring them to the good employment resource.
Who to contact at Miriam Home and Services
Chantal Forget
Work Program manager
Phone: 514-345-0201 poste 126